AnyFu Logo (working version)

We’re very happy with this working version of the logo. The orange circle is an asterisk. In coding this is a wildcard and means the same as any.

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  • Sweet. You’ve got to be excited.

    Just a quick thought –
    Once suggestion I’m sure you’re probably talking about, but I feel compelled to mention.

    If that ends up being the logo – maybe that circle icon should be on the lid of the laptop of your character … or the current circle icon on the lid could replace the the circle in the logo ?

    I’m sure Scotty’s got that all in order though. You guys were right, he’s amazing.


  • Justin says:

    Thx for the heads up. We will do that in the final version. 🙂

  • Justin says:

    p.s Scotty did the character and Daniel Arsenault is working on the logo and the rest of the design

  • Noam Schwartz says:

    Looks awesome!

  • Brian Wagner says:

    Hey Justin,
    You may want to change colors. That is awfully close to the Asterisk projects logo don’t ya think?

    I like Jon’s idea also.

  • Justin says:

    @Brian – I think it’s impossible to be 100% different from all logos out there. But personally I don’t think it is too close no.

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